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Georgia Harvesting Land for Sale

Cane Mill Road Farm : Sylvester : Worth County : Georgia

The Cane Mill Road Farm is 201.19 surveyed acres, located in the heart of Big Buck country in the southern part of Worth County, GA. Worth County is widely considered the best big buck county in the entire state of Georgia, and the record books back that up. This is an area where some of the first...

Sold201.19 Acres

Cane Mill Road Farm

Sylvester : Worth Co : Georgia

Southeastern Land Group

Ferry Lake Prospect : Tifton : Tift County : Georgia

Ferry Lake Prospect is located on the outskirts and could be converted to other purposes once it gets the green light from the Greater Tift County Planning and Zoning Commission. It has been traditionally used for farming and timber production, and the cultivated areas have been replanted with...

Sold68 Acres

Ferry Lake Prospect

Tifton : Tift County : Georgia

Kitchen Branch Headwater : Cuthbert : Randolph County : Georgia

Now is your chance to own a property that has been in the same family for generations. The property offers mature timber for immediate income or you can create a private getaway. Also, newly planted loblolly pine provides the opportunity for future income. The property exhibits excellent viewpoints...

Sold525 Acres

Kitchen Branch Headwater

Cuthbert : Randolph County : GA

AFM Real Estate

Nathan Greer

Cole Breiner