Affordable Hunting Camp in Maine
168 Vista View Road : Lakeville, ME 04487
Penobscot County, Maine
Land Description
The most affordable hunting camp, cabin you will find anywhere. 22+/- acres of dirt cheap property and property taxes. Yearly tax bill less than When you find a better deal call us and we will buy it.16 X 20 post & beam style 1 room cabin sets on concrete pads and wood post. Located on a hillside with a decent view of the surrounding hills and forests. Cut some trees and the view will get even better. 10 X 16 pressure treated deck on the front of the camp to enjoy the view, a BBQ and a cold beverage. Jump on your ATV and hit the trails right from the property, but not after the Cold Beverage. Do it on your snowmobile too. 1.5 miles to Bottle Lake Boat landing, a little over 2 miles to the Sysladobsis boat landing.