Melcher Irrigated Farm for Sale
Holly, CO 81047
Prowers County, Colorado
Shown by Appointment Only
Land Description
Price Improvement & Updated Well Information.
Legal: NE¼ and W½ 27-Township 25S-Range 42W
478.78 Deeded Acres
372 Ac Sprinkler Irrigated
99.46 Ac Dry Cropland
7.32 Ac Other
Water: Three irrigation wells located in the Southern High Plains Water District
Permit 17901-Fp • 80 GPM - Depth 460 ft.
Permit 17906-Fp • 150 GPM - Depth 525 ft. - Updated from 85 Gpm
Permit 17907-Fp • 400 Gpm+ - Depth 525 ft. - Updated from 350 Gpm
54.6% Richfield silt loam - 0-1% Slopes
41.4% Ulysses silt loam - 0-3% Slopes
4.0% Colby silt loam - 0-3% Slopes
Irrigation System: 2013, 15 tower Valley polylined sprinkler with GPS guidance system which AgSense monitors. The system operates efficiently with 6psi regulators. The sprinkler, system booster pump and generator are driven by an 8.1 ci engine. For improved efficiency the booster pump has a Vfd. This generator also powers the nearby submergible irrigation pump. The second submersible pump is powered by a generator driven by a 4-cylinder engine. The third irrigation well is a turbine pump driven via an 8.8 ci engine. All engines are PSI (Power Solutions Inc) engineered and run-on natural gas. The underground pipeline system connects all wells into a central system.
FSA Data
Crop Basis Yield
Corn 224.0 169
Wheat 202.5 70
Grain Sorghum 0.6 76
Sunflowers 4.6 723
These are combination dryland and irrigated yields.
Irrigated Corn 197 bu.
Non-Irrigated Corn 54 bu.
Irrigated Wheat 89 bu.
Non-Irrigated Wheat 50 bu.
Irrigated Grain Sorghum 71 bu.
Non-Irrigated Grain Sorghum 33 bu.
Comments: This farm has great access via a State Highway and all-weather county-maintained roads. There is 3-phase power on the 3 sides. Soils are some of the highest producing capabilities in the area which stands behind the high yields seen on this property. If not the, this is one of the cleanest noxious weed free farms in the area.
Minerals: All Sellers Interest 100%
Taxes: $1,619.14 - 2021
Price: $1,600,000 - Was $1.900,000
Land Maps & Attachments
Directions to Land
From Holly, CO 13.5 miles South on State Highway 89. The East side borders the Hwy and all-weather county roads P & R on the South and North.