Gooood Morning Ozarks
Hwy Nn : Willow Springs, MO 65793
Howell County, Missouri
Land Description
This property is situated just off a state-maintained paved road. As you enter the drive, you will first notice the stunning view to the east. From the large homesite, you can survey the remainder of the property. The front of the parcel is mostly level to gently rolling with a slope to the east. The back half of this property levels off, where you will find a natural clearing with native grasses and wildflowers. This area would be great for a small pasture or garden spot. There is a power line running along the paved road for easy access.
This property is conveniently located between Willow Springs and Mountain View, MO. Both towns have grocery stores, hardware stores, restaurants, and feed stores. Mountain View has a Wal-Mart and Mercy Hospital. West Plains is a town of 12,000, about 30 minutes away, where you will find more amenities.
Land Maps & Attachments
Directions to Land
Directions From Willow Springs, MO:
At the Hwy 63-60 interchange, go East for 6.8 miles.
Turn Left onto NN Hwy for 4.5 miles.
Easement Road will be on the Right.
More Land Details
More Land from Homestead Crossing, Inc
7.6 AC : $79.9K
5.6 AC
18.7 AC : $84.9K
10.9 AC : $39.9K
8.4 AC : $47.9K
10.6 AC
12.5 AC : $47.9K
8.3 AC : $74.9K
12.6 AC : $44.9K
10.5 AC : $49.9K
9.2 AC : $32.9K