Snow Road 40 Acres
Snow Road : Citronelle, AL 36522
Mobile County, Alabama
Land Description
The Snow Road 40 is great for hunting, timber investment, or country homesite. This property has approximately 35 acres of 7-10 year old planted longleaf pines and the remainder of the property is in natural timber. There is a good road system in place that leads to beautiful food plot. This property is loaded with game and has a stream that runs through the property year-round. There is power on the property and several nice homesites. There is deeded access to the property, and it is located within the city limits of Citronelle. Mineral rights are included in the sale and there is an active saltwater pumping station on the property currently providing a steady income. There is the good road system and power to the property. Give Al Brown a call to set up an appointment to see this property today.
All information in this package is derived from sources that are believed to be accurate, but it is the buyer's responsibility to confirm that the information is accurate and Butler Land and Timber Company does not warrant any of the information in this brochure. Maps are for location purposes only and for more specific boundaries, buyer can obtain a survey.
Land Maps & Attachments
Directions to Land
From the Red light at North 3rd St and State St. go east approximately 0.5 miles and take a left onto North Main Street. The go 2.2 miles and take a right onto Snow Road. From there go approximately 0.5 Miles to the north line of the property.
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