487 Acres, Banner County, Mosher
Harrisburg, NE 69345
Banner County, Nebraska
Land Description
Absolute Auction February 15, 2024 1 00 PM MST To be held live at The Sagebrush 615 E. 3rd St. Kimball, NE Click here to register for online bidding Bidder Certification Form can be found under the Documents Tab. Mosher Farm is a 487.98 acre dryland Nebraska farm for sale, comprised of mostly Class III and Class IV Sidney- Canyon and Rosebud-Canyon soils. County Road 19 runs north to south on the west side, and County Rd 6 borders this parcel on the north side. This property is located 10 miles south and 7 miles west of Harrisburg in Banner County, or 13 miles straight north of Bushnell in Kimball County. This is a good opportunity to pick up some additional acres to farm or for a younger farmer to start amassing their own operation. Estimated Acres and Taxes 469.18 Dryland 18.8 Roads/waste Estimated Acres 487.98 Taxes $2,931.32 Legal Description 27-17-57 All Less 154.41 AC Tract Address Harrisburg, NE 69345 County Banner
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