40 Acres in Sweetwater County, WY
Rawlins, WY 82901
Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Land Description
This large forty acre property in Southern Wyoming is located a little over an hour from the town of Riner. It is a mostly flat property with open terrain. The physical roads are located 1300 feet East or 1600 feet South of the Southeast corner of the property. The land does have legal access, you would just have to put in a physical road over the easement.
Apn: 126836
Legal Description: The Southwest One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter (SW ¼ NE ¼) Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 92 West of the 6th Principal Meridian in Sweetwater County, State of Wyoming. Surface rights only. Reserving a 30 foot easement from the perimeter for ingress and egress.
Latitude/Longitude Coordinates: 41.878408, -107.742117
Approximate Annual Taxes: $48.69
Hoa: $0
Zoning: Mu-160 (Multiple Use District)
LandCentral Property Number: 8564
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0.3 AC : $15.6K
0.2 AC : $11K
0.1 AC : $3.9K
0.2 AC : $6.4K
1.2 AC : $12.2K
1.7 AC : $11.1K
0.2 AC : $4.3K
0.6 AC : $15.8K
0.4 AC : $4.5K
0.3 AC : $6.5K
0.2 AC : $3.5K
0.5 AC : $7K