Swanner Bridge Rd Tract
1 Swanner Bridge Rd : Rutledge, AL 36071
Crenshaw County, Alabama
Shown by Appointment Only
Land Description
Enjoy this nice little tract of land and enjoy deer hunting on your own property. This tract has 5 year old natural regeneration, has a fire lane around the property, and has almost a ½ mile of road frontage. Check for availability for power and water, but that is nothing a generator and well cannot correct. It is a secluded tract with very little traffic. No houses along this area of Swanner Bridge Road. No restrictions, no easements required, and no HOA fees of course. If you are looking to purchase your own recreational tract; call me. This one is located in section 8, township 8 north, range 17 east, at latitude 31.6728, longitude -86.3799, with property taxes less than $45 per year.
All information in this package is derived from sources that are believed to be accurate, but it is the buyer's responsibility to confirm that the information is accurate and Butler Land and Timber Company does not warrant any of the information in this brochure. Maps are for location purposes only and for more specific boundaries, buyer can obtain a survey.
Land Maps & Attachments
Directions to Land
Access: From Luverne, take Hwy 331 north for 1.9 mile and turn left onto Hwy 10. Go 3.1 mile and turn left onto Co Rd 77 (Ivy Creek Rd). Go 5 miles and turn left onto Holland Bridge Rd (Dirt Road). Go ½ mile and turn left onto Swanner Bridge Rd. Go ½ mile and property will start on your left.
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