OW Ranch, WY
Petz Road : Lusk, WY 82225
Niobrara County, Wyoming
Land Description
OW Ranch is a 5,387.12± contiguous acre ranch consisting of 4,107.12± deeded acres and 1,280± State of Wyoming Lease Acres. The ranch is located approximately thirteen miles northwest of Lusk. This property is a very scenic and productive ranch, boasting lush sub-irrigated hay meadows and three miles of Old Woman Creek which meanders throughout the ranch. Sub-irrigated meadows, creek bottomlands, along with 70± acres of alfalfa/grass irrigated by a low-pressure center pivot produces a large supply of winter feed for livestock. The OW Ranch has historically run 250 cow/calf pairs year-round. Improvements on the ranch include a 1,909 sq. ft. three-bedroom, four-bathroom modular home with 1,909 sq. ft basement and 588 sq. ft. garage. Other improvements on the property include a 5,760 sq. ft. farm utility building, 4,992 sq. ft. equipment storage building, working corrals, and several other outbuildings. The OW Ranch offers great opportunities for anglers, hunters, equestrians, and all outdoor enthusiasts.
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