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Crenshaw County Alabama Campsite Land for Sale

128 Ac Crenshaw Co : Patsburg : Crenshaw County : Alabama

128+/- acres located along Carter Rd near Patsburg in Crenshaw Co. A very nice 3+/- ac pond is located on the property with a campsite. The timber consist of 2005 Pine Plantation along with areas planted in 2018 & 2020. The 2005 loblolly plantation has been thinned and looks great. This tact is...

New128 Acres : $473,375

128 Ac Crenshaw Co

Patsburg : Crenshaw County : AL

Farm and Forest Brokers

Pond Creek Rd Lots : Luverne : Crenshaw County : Alabama

Location: Located in Region 6, South Alabama. Located 5.2 miles north of Luverne off Hwy 331 north, and 26 miles west of Troy, 30 miles east of Greenville, 45 miles south of Montgomery, and 148 miles north of Mobile. Description: Looking for 10+/- acres in the country but only 5 minutes from the...

10 Acres : $50,000

Pond Creek Rd Lots

Luverne : Crenshaw Co : Alabama

Butler Land & Timber Co