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Highlands County Florida Crop Land for Sale

Kenilworth 35 : Sebring : Highlands County : Florida

This property is 35.18 acres located on Kenilworth Boulevard, just minutes from downtown Sebring. Located on the property is a diesel power unit on a 10" well along with an abandoned 10' electric well. These wells along with the Astatula Sand soils, would be conducive to grow most any crops. With...

35.18 Acres : $549,000

Kenilworth 35

Sebring : Highlands County : FL

Saunders Real Estate

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands : Lake Placid : Highlands County : Florida

Rare farming opportunity for purchase of 200 acres of highly productive Bassinger fine sand along with minor amounts of Kaliga, Tequesta and Hicoria muck. This farm is currently a grove. Its history is very high production of Hamlin and Valencia oranges. It is an excellent prospect also for a...

Sold200 Acres

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands

Lake Placid : Highlands Co : FL

Crosby & Associates, Inc