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Lake Placid Florida Farming Land for Sale

Lake Istokpoga Farmland : Lake Placid : Highlands County : Florida

The Lake Istokpoga Farmland is arguably some of the best and richest farmland in the country. Located at the south side of Lake Istokpoga near the City of Lake Placid, this property is the ideal piece of ground to add to any farming operation. There is a series of canals along the western side and...

87.38 Acres : $3,200,000

Lake Istokpoga Farmland

Lake Placid : Highlands Co : FL

Saunders Real Estate

Denco Ranch : Lake Placid : Highlands County : Florida

Denco Ranch is a working cattle ranch located in southern Highlands County with frontage on the north side of State Road 70. The guard rail cow pens, 60' by 200' pole barn and 10" well with a diesel power unit are excellent amenities to be used in any ranching or farming endeavor. Situated among...

495.10 Acres : $4,350,000

Denco Ranch

Lake Placid : Highlands Co : FL

Saunders Real Estate

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands : Lake Placid : Highlands County : Florida

Rare farming opportunity for purchase of 200 acres of highly productive Bassinger fine sand along with minor amounts of Kaliga, Tequesta and Hicoria muck. This farm is currently a grove. Its history is very high production of Hamlin and Valencia oranges. It is an excellent prospect also for a...

Sold200 Acres

200 Acre Lonesome Grove, Highlands

Lake Placid : Highlands Co : FL

Crosby & Associates, Inc

CGM Land Inc.

Colin Murphy