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Okeechobee Florida Homes Land for Sale

Land for Small Homestead : Okeechobee : Florida

This property has agricultural zoning and only one nearby neighbor. You can build on-grid with power or harvest the power of the sun with solar panels and never pay an electric bill again. This is the perfect location for your sustainable small homestead as zoning for this property allows farm...

1.25 Acres : $14,900

Land for Small Homestead

Okeechobee : Florida

The Lot Shop

Own Your Florida Dream Today : Okeechobee : Florida

This 0.148 acre parcel measuring 50' x 127' is zoned (Rm) Residential Mixed Use; RM districts permit the continued mixing of conventional residences and mobile homes. There is no time limit to build, and no HOA fees. Electric is established and the street is paved; the lot is otherwise unimproved....

0.15 Acre : $9,500

Own Your Florida Dream Today

Okeechobee : Florida

The Lot Shop

Enjoy Rural Living in Okeechobee : Okeechobee : Florida

Come enjoy the rural living in Okeechobee County, Florida with this 1.25 Acres of land. Zoned for manufactured home, mobile home or build your dream home here. The Kissimmee River is just few miles away. Also enjoy world class bass fishing in Lake Okeechobee. this property has no deed restrictions...

1.25 Acres : $23,900

Enjoy Rural Living in Okeechobee

Okeechobee : Florida

Robert Vaughan : Land Supplier

Land Supplier

Robert Vaughan

We've Got Land

Scott Taylor