Michigan 400-Acre Tract For Sale. This property isolated in Torch Lake Township, in Houghton County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This is a great recreational area, surrounded by the Torch Lake, the Portage Lake, and Lake Superior. This county lies on the eastern side of the Keweenaw...
Michigan Wooded Parcel For Sale. This 80-Acre Wooded Property is located in Laird Township, in south-central Houghton County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is in the middle of outdoor recreational opportunities in every direction. It is surrounded by thousands of acres of the Ottawa...
Michigan Wooded Parcel For Sale. This 80-Acre Wooded Property is located in Laird Township, in south-central Houghton County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is in the middle of outdoor recreational opportunities in every direction. It is surrounded by thousands of acres of the Ottawa...