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Cibola County New Mexico Chicken Land for Sale

Fence Lake Homestead : Fence Lake : Cibola County : New Mexico

Multifamily two homes for the price of once with acreage. With two homes, equipment shed, animal sheds and a chicken coops already in place your homestead for two families is ready for you to get started. Both homes are on permanent foundations. Find yourself in the perfect place to enjoy the...

42 Acres : $465,000

Fence Lake Homestead

Fence Lake : Cibola County : NM

Hayden Outdoors

Oso Creek Ranch : Ramah : Cibola County : New Mexico

Welcome to the Oso Creek Ranch. Located in Cibola County, just east of Ramah, NM. This unique and diverse 2080 +,- deeded acre ranch offering provides quality residential improvements, varied topography from 08grassland cattle grazing to dark timber country loaded with mature ponderosa pines. If...

2,080 Acres : $3,495,000

Oso Creek Ranch

Ramah : Cibola Co : New Mexico