Owner Financing Available. Make us an offer and let's make it yours. Hold Price: $25 For $25 we can hold the property for you for 2 days while you decide whether you want to purchase. If you buy the property, this will count toward the purchase price. You can also hold the property up to 8 days....
96.85+/- LakeFront Acres. 2 Waterfalls, Unrestricted, Power on site, and Bordering Usfs. Bring your RV, your tiny home, your animals, and maybe live off the grid with hydro power off the falls. Located on Lake Apalachia which is a 1000 acre Wilderness Lake that stays full year round you have found...
58.61+-Ac Unrestricted, Rolling, Wooded land, just 30 minutes to town. This is a very walkable usuable tract of land and I found a boiling springhead for a water source in case you want to get off the grid. An old woods road could be opened leading to a flat glen near the spring, perfect for a...