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Oklahoma Bottomland for Sale

Ok, Ellis 463 Acres : Laverne : Ellis County : Oklahoma

This 463 +/- acre tract in NW Oklahoma is as good as it gets from a hunting standpoint. Clear Creek runs approx. 2 miles through the length of the bottomland. There are also 2 submersible water wells with tanks for whitetail deer, turkeys, doves & quail. There are also 6 900 feeders, 5 Redneck box...

463 Acres : $1,350,000

Ok, Ellis 463 Acres

Laverne : Ellis Co : Oklahoma

Jerry Brown : Brown Realty Co.

Lampton Ranch on Rock Creek : Hugo : Choctaw County : Oklahoma

Description Overview The Lampton Ranch on Rock Creek is a charming 155+/- acre combination recreational and agricultural production ranch with excellent raw features, productive grass pastures to graze or bale, timber to hunt and working pens to facilitate onsite livestock management. The property...

155 Acres : $697,500

Lampton Ranch on Rock Creek

Hugo : Choctaw Co : Oklahoma

Hortenstine Ranch Company

Naked Properties LLC

Jackson Barnes