Owner Financing: - $750 down (plus the $250 doc fee) - $750 down $450/Mo for 84 months (plus prorated taxes and a $12/Mo note maintenance fee) Silence is golden and you'll have plenty of it on this 10 acre property in Klamath County near Beatty, Oregon. Head into Klamath Falls for shopping and all...
160 Acres of Land for Sale in Oregon with Panoramic Mountain Views & Dirt Road Access bordering BLM Land along the entire North Boundary and National Forest Land along the entire East Boundary. View the Property Video, Images, Maps & Details on our land website link below. Search Landio Property...
The 2389-Acre Chandler Grande Ronde Ranch in Elgin, Oregon, is a testament to the blend of agriculture, forestry, and recreation. With its grazing capabilities, timber resources, natural water features, and proximity to the Umatilla National Forest, it offers endless opportunity. Land Grazing and...
Subdivision: N/A Street Address: N/A, near Chiloquin, OR 97624 State: Or COUNTY: Klamath County, Or Zip: 97624 Size: 20 acres LOT Dimensions: 1328 feet x 640 feet Apn: 256494 Legal Description: The South 1/2 Of The Southeast 1/4 Of The Northwest 1/4 Of Section 24, Township 35, Range 10 East Of The...