Description: ±57.192 Acre Farm. Will Divide into Two ±28.596 acre “ranchettes”. Mostly open with a few trees around a pond on tract 1. A small seasonal creek (Cyclone Branch) bisects the property. Currently leased and in row crop production. LOCATION: Just North of the intersection of Hwy 53 and FM...
Description: Two 28.596 acre ranchettes. Mostly open with a few trees around a pond on tract 1. A small seasonal creek (Cyclone Branch) bisects both tracts. Currently leased and in row crop production. LOCATION: Just North of the intersection of Hwy 53 and FM 485. Just West of the intersection of...
Description: Two 28.596 acre ranchettes. Mostly open with a few trees around a pond on tract 1. A small seasonal creek (Cyclone Branch) bisects both tracts. Currently leased and in row crop production. LOCATION: Just North of the intersection of Hwy 53 and FM 485. Just West of the intersection of...
Description: ±49 acre cultivated farm land in East Bell County. LOCATION: Located on the South side of Little Flock Road between Temple & Zabcikville. Regionally located between Temple and College Station. Part of the Central Blackland Prairie Region of Texas. LAND Cover: Open land, entirely...
Description: ±24.65 acre property in East Bell County. Cultivated Land used for Row Crop Production. LOCATION: Located at 2324 Willow Road just outside of Temple in Bell County. Temple is Centrally Located in Texas, Regionally between Austin and Waco. Part of the Central Blackland Prairie Region of...