Florida Mountains
Deming, NM 88030
Luna County, New Mexico
Land Description
With the corona virus running rampant through much of the country, many people are looking to buy some rural land where they won't be surrounded by large numbers of other people. Here are three adjacent lots, each one is half an acre. You can choose to keep these three great adjacent lots separate or combine them to have a huge 1.5 acre property. They have 351 feet of combined frontage on Seis Road. The intersection with Azalea Road is about 600 yards to the west.
These properties are Unit 124, Block 1, Lots 16, 17, and 18 in the sparsely developed Deming Ranchettes subdivision near Deming in Luna County, New Mexico. There is only a total population of about 24,000 for the entire county.
You will be about 10 miles east of Florida Peak with fantastic views. Less than half a mile to the south is a large acreage of state owned land. This land is next to a large acreage of Bureau Of Land Management to the west, which includes Florida Peak.
There doesn't seem to be much going on in this area except for a bit of ranching. If you are looking for a beautiful, quiet, off grid property with great mountain views, then you should consider these. There are no available utilities to these properties.
For a small town, Deming offers visitors and residents a lot of options. You can visit the Deming Luna Mimbres Museum at the old armory to see exhibits of the famed Mimbres pottery along with other artifacts. You can play a round of golf at the Rio Mimbres Country Club18-Hole Golf Course, hunt domestic and exotic game in season, be a spectator at a nearby rodeo or enjoy wine-tasting at the St. Clair Winery. You can take a break from the heat and go for a swim at the Sam Baca Aquatic Center a first-class swimming facility that offers a therapy pool, 25-yard competition pool and an activity pool with 150-Foot water slide. And don't miss Demings annual Great American Duck Race. This yearly event is held on the last weekend of August and duck owners are encouraged to participate in the main event. If you don't own a fast thoroughbred duck, you can always participate in the highly competitive tortilla tosses and outhouse races. There are many unique places to visit and things to see such as Rockhound State Park which is located right next to the Deming Ranchettes in the Florida Mountains.
With a $294 initial payment ($99 down payment plus $195 document fee) we can finance the balance for as little as $87.89 per month over six years. You can choose to finance for fewer years, or you can but these properties outright and receive a 10 percent cash discount.
For more information or to purchase these great properties immediately, please click on the "Land Website" button on this page to go directly to our website.
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0.3 AC : $4K
1.2 AC : $9K
0.3 AC : $3K
5 AC : $10K
0.2 AC : $7K
7.5 AC : $12K
1 AC : $4K
5 AC : $30K
7.5 AC : $12K
0.8 AC : $9K
0.3 AC : $3K
10 AC : $20K