Overlook Rapids Parcel
Fowler, NY 13642
Saint Lawrence County, New York
Land Description
The land holds nearly 2,500' of river frontage along a slow but deep-running section of the river. The southern portion of the river frontage has rapids and is within view of a waterfall on the adjacent property.
Terrain near the Sand Road frontage is level to gently sloping with generally deep, sandy soils. The terrain leading down to the river is steep between a narrow valley that offers the potential driveway to the river.
High-quality white pine with an average diameter of 19.5" dominates the forest cover creating exceptional forest aesthetics and offering future income from the timber's $90,000 estimated net value.
Land Maps & Attachments
Directions to Land
From the Fullerville Church along Country Route 24 in Fowler (whose address is 1373 Country Rte 24, Gouverneur, NY 13642) Then head 0.4 miles east along Route 24 to Sand Road, make left and head south 0.4 miles to land on right.
More Land Details
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