Golf on The Gulf Side
Lehigh Acres, FL 33974
Lee County, Florida
Land Description
Subdivision: Lehigh Acres Unit 1
Street Address: 1109 Raymond Street, Lehigh Acres, FL 33974
State: Fl
COUNTY: Lee County, Fl
Zip: 33974
Size: 0.243 acres
LOT Dimensions: 88 feet x 126 feet
Apn: 01-45-27-01-00004.0110
Legal Description: Lot 11, Block 4, Unit 1, Section 1, Township 45 South, Range 27 East, Lehigh Acres, According To The Map Or Plat Thereof On File And Recorded In The Office Of The Clerk Of The Circuit Court, Recorded In Plat Book 15, Page 17, Public Records Of Lee County, Florida.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 26.597229, -81.580207
Ne: 26.597232, -81.579944
Sw: 26.596887, -81.580203
Se: 26.596889, -81.579942
Elevation: 27 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $350 per year
ZONING: Rs-1 - The purpose and intent of the RS residential single-family district is to provide opportunities for the suitable location of detached, conventionally-built single-family dwelling units and for facilitation of the proper development and protection of the subsequent use and enjoyment thereof. Camping is not permitted in this zoning district. RV's are not allowed, except a properly licensed and operable RV may be parked by the occupants of a home on the property once construction is completed. The RV may not be lived in by residents or guests at any time. Mobile homes may not be parked or stored on the property. It is not permitted in the Rs-1 zoning district. Development regulations are as follows: Setbacks: (Street 25', Side 7.5', Rear 20', Maximum lot coverage 40%, Maximum building height 35'). Please contact the Department of Community Development for more information.
ACCESS: Property can be accessed via Raymond Street, a paved road.
WATER: Property has an active Lee County Utilities Authority Account for the provision of water, sewer and garbage.
SEWER: Property has an active Lee County Utilities Authority Account for the provision of water, sewer and garbage.
UTILITIES: There are power lines along Raymond Street, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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2.5 AC : $23K
0.4 AC : $17.4K
10.1 AC : $16.7K
0.2 AC : $11.6K
2.1 AC : $16.5K
2.5 AC : $10.9K
10 AC : $11.9K
1.5 AC : $18.2K
1.5 AC : $18.5K
5 AC : $14.2K
0.6 AC : $19.8K
2.5 AC : $22K