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Lake Wales Florida Land for Sale by Owner

10.88 Acres in in Polk County FL : Lake Wales : Polk County : Florida

Interested in this property? Call, text, or email us today for more details. Feel free to visit the property any time, no need to set up an appointment, this property has no address. Subscribe to email alerts by texting your e-mail address and be the first to know when we get a great deal in. By...

10.88 Acres : $29,900

10.88 Acres in in Polk County FL

Lake Wales : Polk Co : Florida

Country Land Sellers

Wilderness Wonderland : Lake Wales : Polk County : Florida

Subdivision: N/A Street Address: N/A, near Lake Wales, FL, 33898 State: Fl COUNTY: Polk County, Fl Zip: 33898 Size: 1.49 acres LOT Dimensions: 167 feet x 393 feet Apn: 30-31-01-000000-031100 Legal Description: W1/2 of SE ¼ of NE ¼ of NE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 31 South, Range 30 East, Polk...

Sold1.49 Acres

Wilderness Wonderland

Lake Wales : Polk Co : Florida

Landopia, LLC

2 Building Lots, $59,990 : Lake Wales : Polk County : Florida

Lake Pierce Heights - Lot size is 60' x 145' with lake access. The Cherry Pocket Restaurant is just 6 blocks away and the Lake Wales Eagle Ridge Mall and Publix Grocery Store are both 10 minutes down the road. This lot is conveniently located right in the heart of Central Florida where hunting...

Sold0.50 Acre

2 Building Lots, $59,990

Lake Wales : Polk Co : Florida


Samantha Stephens