240 Ac Wooded Recreational Parcel
Ralph, MI 49877
Dickinson County, Michigan
Land Description
Michigan Wooded Recreational Parcel For Sale. Some of The Best Hunting in the U.P.
This Gated 240 Acre Wooded Parcel is located, in North-Western Dickinson County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If you mention this area to Northern Michigan outdoor enthusiasts, they will think of an area with a culture of White-tail Deer Hunting. The parcel is located at the extreme northwestern area of one the of the largest deer yarding complexes in the Upper Peninsula, and it is part of a regular migration area. This parcel also touches thousands of acres of the Copper Country State Forest where hunting, trapping and fishing are allowed. Bear, Deer, Ruffed Grouse, Small Game, Turkey, abound in the area. Just two+ miles to the East of this parcel the North Branch of the Ford River, which meets the Main Branch, and is an historic stream stocking site for Brook Trout. Canoeing and Kayaking are popular Ford River activities. ATVing and Off-Road Riding are great for Fall Color Touring, and Snowmobiling is fun in Winter. Dickinson County is located on the Michigan-Wisconsin border in the Central Portion of the U.P. and is easily reached by flying into the Ford Airport near Iron Mountain. The property is dominated by Aspen, Northern white cedar, Spruce and Balsam fir. Following the Forest Management Plan recommendations, there have been periodic harvests done in the past. If You or Your Group is looking for some of the best U.P. Recreational Land available, Contact Us Today.
General Commercial Forest Act Information: CF Landowners do not pay ad valorem general property taxes. Instead, CF landowners pay a specific tax. The CF specific rate for 2022-2026 is $1.35 per acre annually. The specific rate increases 5 cents every 5 years. CF land must be devoted to commercial forest management and be open to the public for "Walk In Access" to hunt, fish, and trap in their seasons. A New Owner will need to submit a New Forest Management Plan, and a Notification of Ownership Change Form to the State. If a New Owner desires to build a cabin on the property, the area designated around the structure will need to be withdrawn from the CF Program.
Land Maps
Directions to Land
A High Suspension 4-Wheel Drive Vehicle is Recommended - From the Marquette Intersection of West Washington and Lincoln Avenue head west on West Washington Street to Highway US-41. Continue west on US-41 approximately 25 miles to M-95 (Koski Corners). Turn left on M-95 and go South 32 +/- Miles to Sagola (Sagola Mini Mart) Leeman Road corner. Take a Left and go 12.4 miles to County Road581. Take a left and go 3.3 miles to Ralph. Take a right onto County Road 426 and go east 6.6 miles to Schultz Road. Take a left and go 2.6 miles to a Locked/Gated Road on the left. Fire Number N11041 West Branch Township sign is hidden by tree branches at the left side of this roadway, as well as a Trail Cam. Take a left and go to the Locked Gate. A Private Combination Lock is placed at this gate. Agents may contact the Listing Company for the combination via Showing Assist. Once through the gate continue 0.9 miles to a second unlocked gate. You are now on the property offered for sale.
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