Wilderness Wonderland
Lake Wales, FL 33898
Polk County, Florida
Land Description
Subdivision: N/A
Street Address: N/A, near Lake Wales, FL, 33898
State: Fl
COUNTY: Polk County, Fl
Zip: 33898
Size: 1.49 acres
LOT Dimensions: 167 feet x 393 feet
Apn: 30-31-01-00
Legal Description: W1/2 of SE ¼ of NE ¼ of NE ¼ of NW ¼ of Section 1, Township 31 South, Range 30 East, Polk County, Florida.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 27.819929, -81.277451
Ne: 27.819931, -81.276939
Sw: 27.818851, -81.277439
Se: 27.818847, -81.276926
Elevation: 69 feet
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $36 per year
ZONING: This parcel is best used for hunting, recreation or investment. The parcel is located within the Agricultural/Residential Rural (A/Rr) future land-use/zoning district. This parcel is non-conforming, and ineligible for development. It does not meet the County's access requirement and minimum lot size requirement of 5 acres in the A/Rr district. Recreational camping would require an approved Level 3 Review (Conditional Use; Public Hearing). RVs cannot be parked on a parcel. It is strictly prohibited to reside in a vehicle parked in a residential district or residential development. As the parcel is non-conforming, mobile/manufactured homes cannot be placed here. For more information, please contact the Office of Planning and Development.
Flood Zone: No
ACCESS: There is no road leading to the property directly.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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