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Oregon Chicken Land for Sale by Owner (FSBO)

Now is The Time This is The Place : Beatty : Klamath County : Oregon

Take Advantage of Our Easy Owner Financed Payment Plan $225 down (plus $250 doc fee) $225/month for 80 months Ever ask yourself, "Why do I keep doing this every day?" while stuck in traffic? Here's your chance to break free. 1.53 acres of dream-fulfilling potential on Valley View Dr. No neighbors...

1.53 Acres : $11,700

Now is The Time This is The Place

Beatty : Klamath Co : Oregon

Bear Fruit Properties

Perfect for Homesteading : Sprague River : Klamath County : Oregon

Sick of Following the Rules? Own 2.40 Acres & Build Your Homestead in Oregon. Tired of landlords telling you what you can and can't do? Sick of homeowners' associations nitpicking every little thing? Maybe it's time to stop asking for permission and start living on your own land. This 2.40-Acre...

New2.40 Acres : $15,620

Perfect for Homesteading

Sprague River : Klamath Co : OR

Crossed Arrows Land