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Oregon Developed Land for Sale by Owner

Now is The Time This is The Place : Beatty : Klamath County : Oregon

Take Advantage of Our Easy Owner Financed Payment Plan $225 down (plus $250 doc fee) $225/month for 80 months Ever ask yourself, "Why do I keep doing this every day?" while stuck in traffic? Here's your chance to break free. 1.53 acres of dream-fulfilling potential on Valley View Dr. No neighbors...

1.53 Acres : $11,700

Now is The Time This is The Place

Beatty : Klamath Co : Oregon

Bear Fruit Properties

Live The Lake Life : Chiloquin : Klamath County : Oregon

Owner Financing: - 500 down (plus the $250 doc fee) - $500 down $299/Mo for 68 months (plus prorated taxes and $10/Mo note maintenance fee) Just shy of a ¼ acre, this prime lot in an established lake community of Agency Lake is ripe for development. While no camping is allowed on property you can...

0.22 Acre : $20,832

Live The Lake Life

Chiloquin : Klamath Co : Oregon

Landopia, LLC

Land Equities Inc

Ray Therault